2019 AIChE Annual Meeting

(272f) Equation-Free Computation of Invariant Manifolds of Microscopic Simulators


Russo, L. - Presenter, University of Naples Federico II
Siettos, C., National Technical University of Athens
We address a data-driven approach to the numerical approximation of coarse-grained stable,unstable and center manifolds of microscopic/stochastic and large-scale black-box simulators. Our approach, which makes use of data derived by short-time simulations is based on the Equation-Free framework [1] for multiscale computations.

[1] Kevrekidis, I.G. et al. (2003). Equation-free, coarse-grained multiscale computation: enabling microscopic simulators to perform system-level tasks Comm. Math. Sciences 1(4): 715–762