2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
(191f) Catalytic Adsorptive Desulfurization of Model Fuel over Ti-Si Adsorbents at Low Ti Loading Under Ambient Conditions
Xiao, J. - Presenter, South China University of Technology
Dai, X., South China University of Technology
Miao, G., South China University of Technology
Wu, L., South China University of Technology
Li, Z., South China University of Technology
Ultra-clean fuel production has attracted widespread attention globally due to intensified environmental and health concerns. Previously, we proposed catalytic adsorptive desulfurization (CADS) using bifunctional catalyst-adsorbent under ambient conditions for selective desulfurization of low-sulfur diesel for ultra-clean fuel production (Fuel, 2016, 174, 118-125; AIChE J., 2018, doi:10.1002/aic.16055). In this work, we explored CADS using a newly developed Ti-Si-rd adsorbents featured with fairly low Ti loading (0.01~2.5 wt.%). A series of Ti-Si-rd was synthesized by a facile impregnation method. Effect of Ti loading at low concentration range on CADS capacity in batch was elaboratively studied. The optimized Ti-Si-rd at low Ti loading showed higher CADS capacity compared to that upon Ti-Si adsorbents reported in the previous work, which reached up to 150 mg/g from a model fuel containing high DBT concentration up to 1500 ppm, at the sorbent-to-fuel ratio of 100. Additionally, Ti-Si-rd also maintained >95% of CADS capacity in five consecutive regeneration cycles, suggesting excellent regenerability and stability of the Ti-Si-rd adsorbent as a plus plausible feature. Furthermore, to elucidate the correlation between CADS capacity and physical-chemical properties of Ti-Si-rd, the adsorbents were further characterized by N2 adsorption, X-ray diffraction, FTIR spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer. The chemical environments of Ti in various Ti-Si adsorbents was further studied to clarify the effect of Ti coordination and chemical environment on CADS.