2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
(181bq) Mathematical Modeling of Blown Film Extrusion Using the Discrete Slip-Link Rheological Model
The effects of model parameters on film properties and on operational stability have been investigated using several models including the thin-shell (Pearson and Petrie, 1970a,b), quasi-cylindrical (Doufas and McHugh, 2001), and perturbation models (Housiadas et al., 2007). Some numerical models considered only steady-state operation (Pearson and Petrie, 1970a,b), whereas other studies have analyzed dynamic behavior (Yeow, 1976; Cain and Denn, 1988; Pirkle and Braatz, 2003a). Blown film extrusion can exhibit a variety of interesting instabilities, which can be axisymmetric (Yeow, 1976; Cain and Denn, 1988) or non-axisymmetric (Housiadas et al., 2007). The effects of heat transfer and crystallization on stability have been investigated (Pirkle and Braatz, 2011).
Due to the strong nonlinearities associated with blown film extrusion, the simulation results are a strong function of the rheological constitutive equation used to calculate the viscous stress tensor. Constitutive equations that have been explored in blown film extrusion modelings are the quasi-Newtonian (Pearson and Petrie, 1970a,b), upper convected Maxwell (Luo and Tanner, 1985), Marucci (Cain and Denn, 1988), Phan-Thien-Tanner (Housiadas et al., 2007), and two-phase microstructural (Doufas and McHugh, 2001; Pirkle and Braatz, 2003b) models. Polymer crystallization is induced both by cooling and flow (Doufas and McHugh, 2001). While several researchers have shown that the best of these models can qualitatively and semi-quantitatively describe many of the film product properties, state variables during operation, and flow instabilities, the quantitative agreement with some of the states has been quite poor, at least under some operating conditions (Liu, 1991, 1994; Liu et al., 1995; Pirkle et al., 2010).
This work explores the dynamics of blown film extrusion for a more modern rheological approach that is known as the discrete slip-link model (DSM) (Schieber et al., 2003; Khaliullin and Schieber, 2009; Andreev et al., 2013). The DSM was chosen in this work for describing the dynamics of flexible polymer melts due to its ability to predict the viscoelasticity of polydisperse linear and branched entangled polymer systems. The DSM models the entanglement of polymer chains within a melt more accurately than tube models, but does not incur the full computational cost of molecular dynamics simulations (Baig et al., 2006; Kim et al., 2007; Tzoumanekas and Theodorou, 2006; Stephanou et al., 2010; Nicholson and Rutledge, 2016).
The fully three-dimensional axisymmetric model of blown film extrusion is solved numerically, without using any thin-shell or similar approximations of the underlying momentum and energy conservation equations. The variations in the radial direction are spatially resolved, which has been reported (Housiadas et al., 2007) to have a significant effect on the final product film properties in spite of having been assumed negligible in most blown film extrusion models. The minimum-order reduction boundary condition is used as the outflow boundary condition (Pirkle and Braatz, 2003a), as this approach has been shown to produce more physically meaningful results than alternatives (Schiesser, 1996).
Details are provided for the numerical algorithm for carrying out these simulations, which employs strategies to retain high numerical stability and accuracy, while having a manageable computational cost. The spatial derivatives are handled using the same numerical-method-of-lines strategy (Schiesser, 1991) used to simulate blown film extrusion for the two-phase microstructural model (Pirkle and Braatz, 2003a). Unlike Pirkle and Braatz (2003a), this work employs a different method for dynamically coupling the rheological constitutive equation with momentum and energy conservation equations, and does not use the thin-shell approximation. The different numerical coupling method is required because the DSM is not describable in the same type of simple functional form than for the rheological constitutive equations used in past blown film extrusion studies.
The numerical simulation results obtained from the proposed blown film extrusion model are compared to the results obtained by other models reported in the literature, in order to investigate the inaccuracies created by different approximations. The comparisons include the product film properties and the spatiotemporal behavior of operational states such as the crystallinity, film geometry, temperature, and the total stress tensor.
Marat Andreev, Renat N. Khaliullin, Rudi J. A. Steenbakkers, and Jay D. Schieber. Approximations of the discrete slip-link model and their effect on nonlinear rheology predictions. Journal of Rheology, 57:535â557, 2013.
C. Baig, B. J. Edwards, D. J. Keffer, H. D. Cochran, and V. A. Harmandaris. Rheological and structural studies of linear polyethylene melts under planar elongational flow using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Chemical Physics, 124:084902, 2006.
John J. Cain and Morton M. Denn. Multiplicities and instabilities in film blowing. Polymer Engineering and Science, 28:1527â1541, 1988.
Kirk Cantor. Blown Film Extrusion - An Introduction. Hanser Publishers, Cincinnati, OH, 2006.
Antonios K. Doufas and Anthony McHugh. Simulation of film blowing including flow-induced crystallization. Journal of Rheology, 45:1085â1104, 2001.
Kostas D. Housiadas, George Klidis, and John Tsamopoulos. Two- and three-dimensional instabilities in the film blowing process. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 141: 193â220, 2007.
Renat N. Khaliullin and Jay D. Schieber. Self-consistent modeling of constraint release in a single-chain mean-field slip-link model. Macromolecules, 42:7504â7517, 2009.
J. M. Kim, D. J. Keffer, M. Kroger, and B. J. Edwards. Rheological and entanglement characteristics of linear-chain polyethylene liquids in planar Couette and planar elongational flows. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 152:168â183, 2007.
C.-C. Liu. Studies of mathematical modeling and experimental online measurement techniques for the tubular film blowing process. Masterâs thesis, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee: Knoxville, 1991.
C.-C. Liu. On-Line Experimental Study and Theoretical Modeling of Tubular Film Blowing. PhD thesis, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee: Knoxville, 1994.
C.-C. Liu, D. C. Bogue, and J. E. Spruiell. Tubular film blowing. International Polymer Processing, 10:230â236, 1995.
X.-L. Luo and R. I. Tanner. A computer study of film-blowing. Polymer Engineering and Science, 25:620â629, 1985.
David A. Nicholson and Gregory C. Rutledge. Molecular simulation of flow-enhanced nucleation in n-eicosane melts under steady shear and uniaxial extension. Journal of Chemical Physics, 145:244903, 2016.
J. R. A. Pearson and C. J. S. Petrie. The flow of a tubular film, Part 1. Formal mathematical representation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 40:1â19, 1970a.
J. R. A. Pearson and C. J. S. Petrie. The flow of a tubular film, Part 2. Interpretation of the model and discussion of solutions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 42:609â625, 1970b.
J. Carl Pirkle, Jr. and Richard D. Braatz. Dynamic modeling of blown-film extrusion. Polymer Engineering and Science, 43:398â418, 2003a.
J. Carl Pirkle, Jr. and Richard D. Braatz. A thin-shell two-phase microstructural model for blown-film extrusion. Journal of Rheology, 54:471â505, 2003b.
J. Carl Pirkle, Jr. and Richard D. Braatz. Instabilities and multiplicities in non-isothermal blown film extrusion including the effects of crystallization. Journal of Process Control, 21:405â414, 2011.
J. Carl Pirkle, Jr., M. Fujiwara, and Richard D. Braatz. A maximum-likelihood parameter estimation for the thin-shell quasi-Newtonian model for a laboratory blown film extruder. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 47:8007â8015, 2010.
Jay D. Schieber, Jesper Neergaard, and Sachin Gupta. A full-chain, temporary network model with sliplinks, chain-length fluctuations, chain connectivity and chain stretching. Journal of Rheology, 47:213â233, 2003.
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W. E. Schiesser. PDE boundary conditions from minimum reduction of the PDE. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 20:171â179, 1996.
Pavlos S. Stephanou, Chunggi Baig, Georgia Tsolou, Vlasis G. Mavrantzas, and Martin Kroger. Quantifying chain reptation in entangled polymer melts: Topological and dynamical mapping of atomistic simulation results onto the tube model. Journal of Chemical Physics, 132:124904, 2010.
Christos Tzoumanekas and Doros N. Theodorou. From atomistic simulations to slip-link models of entangled polymer melts: Hierarchical strategies for the prediction of rheological properties. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 10:61â72, 2006.
Y. L. Yeow. Stability of tubular film flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 75:577â591, 1976.