2019 AIChE Annual Meeting

(150c) Application of Advanced Non-Invasive Radioisotope Techniques for Benchmarking and Scaling up of Multiphase Flow Reactors: Quantification and Validation of CFD


Farid, O. - Presenter, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Qi, B. - Presenter, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Al-Dahhan, M. H. - Presenter, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Multiphase reactors are extensively used in chemical, biochemical, and petrochemical industries. These reactors have outstanding heat and mass transfer characteristics. Also, they are widely used in chemical processes including reactions such as oxidation, hydrogenation and polymerization, and in the manufacture of synthetic fuels by gas conversion processes and biochemical processes like fermentation and biological wastewater treatment. One of the best way to understand the multiphase flow behaviors and hydrodynamic properties is to use advanced non-invasive radioisotope techniques. In our laboratory, Multiphase Flows and Reactors Engineering and Application Laboratory (MFReal), radioactive particle tracking (RPT) provides 3D velocity profile together with other hydrodynamic parameters. Gamma-ray computed tomography (CT) technique can identify the phase distribution and phase holdups for multiphase flow reactors. Gamma ray densitometry (GRD) technique is designed to quantitatively determine the time averaged chordal phase holdups and flow regimes combining Kolmogorov Entropy technique of multiphase flow systems. All these techniques are specicically developed to obtain comprehensive and benchmarking data as validation of CFD simulations for different multiphase flow systems.