2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
(78g) Chemical Engineering ‘on-a-Chip’: Capturing the Integrated Scope of Chemical Engineering in a Single STEM Module
In this talk, we will describe a hands-on educational module created to illustrate the full scope of chemical engineering.1 Students are taught fundamental concepts that they integrate in a laboratory experience involving designing and fabricating a âplant-on-a-chipâ microfluidic device capable of continuous processing of reactive flows. Students gain insight into ChE principles in the context of process scale-down, including extracting and extending reaction kinetics from bench to microfluidic-scale while accounting for the need for enhanced mixing within laminar fluid flow. This integration of ChE fundamentals offers insight into chemical engineering process design principles that are commonly challenging to capture in single STEM modules. The active nature of this learning module teaches students about real challenges faced by chemical engineers in their work environment, effectively educating students about the vastness and impact of the discipline and aiding in the recruitment of students into the discipline.
1. K.M. Schultz and M.A. Snyder, "Chemical Engineering 'On-a-Chip': Capturing the integrated scope of chemical engineering in STEM outreach," invited article, under revision, Chemical Engineering Education (CEE) (2018).