2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
(748h) Thin Falling Film Layer Monitoring and State Estimation Via Discrete Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Observer and Kalman Filter
This work develops a discrete close-form solution for linearized infinite-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky partial differential equation (PDE) by solving for the four-by-four-matrix-form resolvent operator in this distributed parameter system setting. Furthermore, since the Euler discretization framework cannot avoid spatial and temporal approximation and/or induce numerical instability, energy preserving symmetric in time Crank-Nicolson integration method is utilized without any spatial approximation nor model reduction of the underlying KS linear PDE model [6-7]. Based on this, a four-by-four-matrix-form resolvent operator is derived [8], from which a discrete Luenberger [9] is designed for thin falling film layer monitoring. In order to consider the noise appearing in the state and output measurements, discrete Kalman filter is designed for linear Kuramoto-Sivashinsky PDE. Finally, different simulation studies which include different noise levels and/or input signals will be presented to verify performances of the proposed method.
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[3] Dubljevic S. 2010b. Model predictive control of KuramotoâSivashinsky equation with state and input constraints, Chemical Engineering Science, 65(15): 4388-4396.
[4] Dubljevic, S. 2010a. Boundary model predictive control of kuramoto-sivashinsky equation with input and state constraints. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 34(10):1655-1661.
[5] Yang Y, Dubljevic S. 2013. Boundary model predictive control of thin film thickness modelled by the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with input and state constraints, Journal of Process Control 23(9): 1362-1379.
[6] Xu Q., Dubljevic S., 2017. Linear model predictive control for transport-reaction processes. AIChE Journal 63 (7): 2644-2659.
[7] Havu V., Malinen J., 2007. The cayley transform as a time discretization scheme. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 28 (7-8): 825-851.
[8] Curtain R. F. and Zwart H. An introduction to infinite-dimensional linear systems theory, Springer, 1995.
[9] Luenberger D. 1971. An Introduction to Observes, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 16 (6): 596-602.