2018 AIChE Annual Meeting

(733b) Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Microbial Degradation of Solitary Oil Microdroplets


Kapellos, G. E. - Presenter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Doyle, P., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kalogerakis, N., Technical University of Crete
Natural seeps and accidental releases of crude oil in the sea result in clouds of droplets that are carried away by underwater sea currents. The droplets may be created either at the sea surface during the breakup of an oil slick by sea waves, or at the seafloor during the atomization of live crude oil extruding at sufficiently high speed from a natural crack or a broken wellhead. Drifting droplet clouds disturb the established ecosystem dynamics and pose a high risk of toxic effects to many marine species. It is therefore of crucial importance to understand and quantify the factors that determine the retention of the dispersed droplets within the seawater column. Dissolution, biodegradation and aggregation with marine snow are the main physical processes that rule the fate of dispersed oil droplets in marine waters.

With regard to the biodegradation process, microbes have developed three fundamental strategies for accessing and assimilating oily substrates. Depending on their affinity for the oily phase and ability to proliferate in multicellular structures, microbes might either attach to the oil surface and directly uptake compounds from the oily phase, or grow suspended in the aqueous phase consuming solubilized oil, or form three-dimensional biofilms over the oil-water interface (Kapellos, 2017).

We have recently developed a compound particle model for the biodegradation of solitary oil microdroplets moving through a water column (Kapellos et al., 2018). The compound particle is of the core-shell type and consists of an oily core that is successively surrounded by a bioreactive skin of negligible thickness and another bioreactive shell of finite thickness. The bioreactive skin represents a thin layer of microbes that uptake oil directly from the oily phase, whereas the bioreactive shell represents a distinct biofilm phase. The new model accounts for all three modes of biodegradation: direct interfacial uptake, bioreaction in the bulk aqueous phase, and bioreaction in a biofilm formed around the droplet. A closed-form correlation has been established for the overall dissolution rate for a given particle configuration and two coupled ordinary differential equations have been derived for the evolution of the dimensions of the compound particle. Numerical analysis is currently used to extend the domain of validity of the model by relaxing key hypotheses. In this presentation, major findings of the theoretical analysis will be discussed in detail and in conjunction with preliminary results from the biodegradation of hexadecane droplets by Marinobacter sp. in a microfluidic setting.

Acknowledgements: This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 741799 (project "OILY MICROCOSM").


Kapellos, G.E. "Microbial strategies for oil biodegradation", In Modeling of Microscale Transport in Biological Processes; Becker, S.M., Ed.; Academic Press, pp. 19-39 (2017).

Kapellos, G.E., Paraskeva, C.A., Kalogerakis, N. and Doyle, P.S. "Theoretical insight into the biodegradation of solitary oil microdroplets moving through a water column", Bioengineering, 5:15, (2018).