2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
(6et) Fluid Dynamics at Different Length Scales in Confinements
My work seeks to elucidate the multi-scale dynamics of fluids in environmental water systems. To this end, my research agenda entails the study of multi-scale flow and interaction with solid bodies in the context of 3 different phenomena: flow dissipation, sedimentation and contamination.
I will do experimental measurement of turbulent flow at large scales past obstacles and investigate sedimentation regimes at different Re and for different sizes and shapes of sediment particles. I will also study the infiltration of water in soil surfaces and exchange with subsurface water. I will measure the dispersion and transport of particulates in different forms from small organisms to nanoparticles and nutrients in porous material such as soil.
Teaching Interests:
Facing a generation of students with abundant access to knowledge via nontraditional means, instructors bear a great responsibility for channeling their curiosity and teaching them the skills necessary to make use of this knowledge. In this context, my main teaching objective is to provide students the scientific and analytical tools they will need to understand problems and work out solutions in their future lives and careers.
I have served as both a Lecturer at Azad University, Iran, and a Teaching Assistant at Wesleyan University and mentored a large number of graduate and undergraduate students in research during my postdoc. Given this experience and my training, I am prepared to teach both a broad range of undergraduate courses in Chemical engineering, including Statistics, as well as more advanced undergraduate or graduate courses in my area of specialty, notably Continuum Mechanics, and Thermodynamics. Finally, I would also be excited to develop a new undergraduate and graduate courses on immiscible and two phase flow and interfacial phenomenon.