2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
(589c) Carbon in Liquid Silicon: Diffusion, Solubility, and Silicon-Carbide Nucleation
Here, we employ an array of atomistic simulation tools to study the properties of carbon impurity atoms and the nucleation of SiC precipitates in liquid silicon. Given the relative paucity of atomistic simulation studies of the liquid silicon-carbon system, we consider multiple empirical potentials including different parameterizations of the popular Tersoff [6] potential: tersoff-1989 [7], tersoff-1994 [8], and Erhart-Albe [9] (EA), as well as the modified embedded atom method (MEAM) [10] potential. Using these potentials we compute several key thermodynamic and kinetic properties including carbon diffusivities, solubility limits, liquid-solid segregation coefficients, and homogeneous nucleation barriers for SiC crystallite formation.
We find that most of the potentials give a consistent description of carbon diffusion and melt-solid segregation, and provide predictions that are in line with experimental estimates [11]. However, larger deviations are observed for carbon solubility in liquid silicon; this thermodynamic property is substantially overestimated by all the potentials considered. Some possible reasons for this finding are discussed. Nonetheless, we use the derived solubilities to compute SiC nucleation barriers at known values of carbon supersaturation and undercooling. The results are discussed in the context of experimentally observed SiC particle distributions.
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[6] Tersoff, J. (1986). "New empirical model for the structural properties of silicon." Physical Review Letters 56(6): 632-635.
[7] Tersoff, J. (1988). "Empirical interatomic potential for silicon with improved elastic properties." Physical Review B 38(14): 9902-9905.
[8] Tersoff, J. (1994). "Chemical order in amorphous silicon carbide." Physical Review B 49(23): 16349-16352.
[9] Erhart, P. and K. Albe (2005). "Analytical potential for atomistic simulations of silicon, carbon, and silicon carbide." Physical Review B 71(3): 035211.
[10] Baskes, M. I. (1992). "Modified embedded-atom potentials for cubic materials and impurities." Physical Review B 46(5): 2727-2742.
[11] Luo, J., et al. (2017). "Atomistic simulations of carbon diffusion and segregation in liquid silicon." Journal of Applied Physics 122(22): 225705.