2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
(574a) Multi-Scale Engineering of Polyimide-Derived Carbon Molecular Sieves
Motivated by substrate-mediated molecular orientation effects identified for ~50-100 µm poly (pyromellitic dianhydride-co-4,4â-oxydianiline) (PAA) films under similar processing conditions,5,6 the large area associated with the template-replica interface in our 3DOm carbon films offers an unexploited handle for possibly simultaneously tailoring microstructure of the replica phase. In this talk, we will show how template-replica interfacial effects and interfacial surface chemistry alone can be employed to tailor replica carbon microstructure under mild carbonization conditions (600-900 â°C) and in the absence of specific metal catalysts when replica dimensions (i.e., distances from the silica template interface) are reduced by orders of magnitude (i.e., from ca. 100 µm to 1-10 nm scales). Specifically, we will show how temperature-tunable silanol surface chemistry of the template can be used to tailor the graphitic character (e.g., graphitic content relative to turbostratic carbon) of CMS replicas. The interfacial origin of this effect is confirmed through studies showing a decrease in graphitic character with increasing film thickness. Studies also show enhancement of graphitic character in thin carbon films as compared with untemplated carbon molecular sieves, with maximum sensitivity near the beginning of the carbonization process (around 600oC). We hypothesize that the interface-mediated tunability of the replica graphitic character derives from adsorption-induced orientation of PAA molecules once the surface silanol density is reduced to the point of approximate registry with PAA molecular dimensions. Taken together, this templating approach offers a strategy for multi-scale control over film structure.
[1] M. A. Snyder, MRS Bulletin, 41 (2016), 683.
[2] M. Sharma, M. A. Snyder, in preparation.
[3] Z. Tian, M. A. Snyder, Langmuir, 30 (2014), 12411.
[4] M. Inagaki, New Carbons, Elsevier, (2014).
[5] H. Hatori et al. Carbon 30 (1992), 763.
[6] D. H. Zhong et al. Carbon 38 (2000), 2161.