2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
(551f) Two-Stage Varying-Temperature Synthesis of High-Performance SAPO-34 Membranes for H2/N2 Separation at High Temperature
Jiang, J. - Presenter, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Islam, S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dong, Q., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Yu, M., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Li, S., Gas Technology Institute
Klinghoffer, N., Gas Technology Institute
Liang, X., Missouri University of Science & Technology
Hydrogen has attracted worldwide attention in last decades for its combined advantages of high energy transferring efficiency and zero pollution emission. Especially, the demand of high-purity H2 for PEM fuel cells requires new techniques for H2 production with higher separation efficiency and lower cost. Membrane separation can be used for hydrogen purification with low energy consumption and ease of operation. Among those membrane-based separation techniques, the separation of gases in harsh conditions with zeolite membranes attracted tremendous interest due to its well-defined pore size, chemical, thermal and mechanical stability. In this work, high-performance SAPO-34 membranes on ceramic hollow fibers were successfully prepared by a two-stage varying temperature synthesis approach. The influence of synthesis parameters, such as precursor composition, synthesis temperature and duration, and seeding, on the microstructure evolution and separation performance of SAPO-34 membranes were investigated systematically. Finally, SAPO-34 membranes with high H2 permeance of 4.0×10-7 mol·m-2·s-1·Pa-1 and H2/N2 selectivity of 15 were achieved at 400 °C and pressure drop of 1.1 MPa. Long-term stability testing results indicated that the obtained membranes were stable at 400 °C for over 12 h.