2018 AIChE Annual Meeting

(546r) Utilization of Omto Bimo (Kigelia pinnata) peels As Economic Biobriquette for Community in Cepu District, Indonesia with Sni-01-6235-2000 As Quality Standard


Yulyana, M. - Presenter, STEM Akamigas Cepu
Agung Wahyudi, M. - Presenter, STEM Akamigas Cepu
Nur Hidayat, M. - Presenter, STEM Akamigas Cepu
The broad territory and high population of Indonesia have caused some difficulties in energy distribution to fulfill the demand of this country. Energy producing capacity of Indonesia from petroleum refineries have not been able to cover this high energy demand which caused a high deficit in energy sector. Some methods have been attempted by the government to solve this problem through energy conservation and renewable energy development. A renewable energy source that is potential to be developed in Indonesia as an agrarian country is biomass. But only 3.25% of its potential have been fully developed in Indonesia. Cepu is a district in Central Java famous as an oil producing district. Along the streets and houses in Cepu, there are many omto bimo (Kigellia pinata) trees planted only to be used as shade trees. The economic fuels that have been widely used by the community in Cepu is kerosene, LPG, and charcoal which has been declining in production. Omto bimo have a potential to be utilized as a biomass source because of its high availability in form of a biobriquette. But to this day, there has been no reference about the utilization of omto bimo fruit as a biobriquette.

Biobriquette is made through several processes which are material preparation, carbonization, crushing, molding, and drying. From the data obtained through the experiment, 500 gr charcoal of omto bimo can produce 15 biobriquettes with the average content of moisture 5.75%, ash 7.76%, volatile matter 3.59%, fixed carbon 82.90%, calorific value 5708.8 kal/gr, compression strength value 47.15 kg/cm2, drop test value 0.058%, combustion duration 15.602 minutes, and combustion rate 2.26 gr/minute. According to SNI-01-6235-2000 quality standard of charcoal, these testing results have fulfilled the standard specified by Badan Standarisasi Nasional (Indonesian National Standardization Board). From economical point of view, biobriquette price is Rp 0.464/kkal which is lower than kerosene and LPG. For usage in economic activities, using omto bimo biobriquette as fuel will save up 40% of fuel expense in 1 month compared to using charcoal. It is hoped that omto bimo biobriquette can be mass-produced to be used widely by the community as an economic fuel not only in Cepu District but also in Indonesia.