2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
(544en) Effect of ?Al2O3 supported Co and Fe Catalysts on Synthesis of Ammonia from CH4 and N2 Using Microwave Plasma
Tiwari, S. - Presenter, West Virginia University
Bai, X., West Virginia University
Hu, J., West Virginia University
Methane, a major component of natural gas is predominantly used to produce hydrogen (H2). H2 along with nitrogen (N2) from air is combined in a multistage energy intensive Haber-Bosch process to produce ammonia (NH3). Synthesizing NH3 at lower temperatures and ambient pressure using CH4 and N2 in catalyst assisted microwave reactor system is shown to be an attractive alternative to lower the energy cost. We investigate the role of two metal catalysts in ammonia synthesis from methane (CH4) and Nitrogen (N2) under microwave irradiation with and without Argon (Ar) plasma. The catalysts (Co or Fe supported on ɣAl2O3 ) is synthesized in lab using metal salts and pretreated using microwave irradiation. The microwave reactor is used in two different scenarios. First, a feed of CH4 and N2 is run over Co and Fe catalysts separately. Second, 20 % Ar is introduced in the feed to produce plasma. All the reactions are carried at 600 0C and atmospheric pressure. In presence of Co- ɣAl2O3 , ammonia yield is highest (5500 ppm) with a maximum conversion of CH4 (82.4%). In this report, we study the interaction of microwaves with the catalysts to explain the better performance of Co over Fe. We also investigate the role of ɣAl2O3 support in generating plasma in microwave reactor. The fresh and spent catalysts are characterized using state of art tools such as TEM, XRD, SEM and Raman spectroscopy to investigate its surface and bulk properties. Preliminary data shows more carbon species deposition on Co than Fe catalyst. This indicates more hot-spot and local plasma region formation in Co- ɣAl2O3which is due to its ability to absorb microwaves better than Fe- ɣAl2O3.