2018 AIChE Annual Meeting

(488c) Improved Antibacterial Properties of a Silver-Based Metal Organic Framework through Its Decoration with Graphene Oxide


Dadashi Firouzjaei, M., The University of Alabama
Rahimpour, A., Babol University of Technology
Soroush, M., Drexel University
Sharifian Gh., M., Temple University
Antimicrobial side effect and resistance are two current challenges that have limited the application of even potent antimicrobial compounds1-2. These challenges have motivated the development of nanomaterials with superior disinfection properties towards microbial pathogens3. In addition to silver (Ag)-based nanomaterials, two dimensional nanosheets such as graphene-oxide (GO) have received considerable attention owning to their biocidal activities4-5.

In this work, an Ag-based nanomaterial is synthesized through decorating an Ag-based metal organic framework (Ag-MOF) with GO. Several analysis methods are used to characterize the nanocomposite and verify the embellishment of Ag-MOF nanoparticles with GO. The growth curve, fluorescence imaging, and flow cytometry methods are employed to assess biocidal activity of the nanocomposite, Ag-MOF, and GO against Gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli and Gram-positive bacteria, Bacillus subtilis. The nanocomposite exhibits superior antibacterial activity higher than those of Ag-MOF nanoparticles and GO nanosheets alone. The results indicate that the synthesized nanocomposite damages 95% of bacterial cells, while Ag-MOF nanoparticles alone damage 85% of the cells. This study points to a new path for developing highly-effective antibacterial agents for medical and biomedical purposes.

Keywords: Nanomaterials, silver, metal-organic framework, graphene oxide, antibacterial property, nanocomposite.


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  2. Wu, M.-C.; Deokar, A. R.; Liao, J.-H.; Shih, P.-Y.; Ling, Y.-C., Graphene-based photothermal agent for rapid and effective killing of bacteria. ACS nano 2013, 7 (2), 1281-1290.
  3. Sondi, I.; Salopek-Sondi, B., Silver nanoparticles as antimicrobial agent: a case study on E. coli as a model for Gram-negative bacteria. Journal of colloid and interface science 2004, 275 (1), 177-182.
  4. Zirehpour, A.; Rahimpour, A.; Arabi Shamsabadi, A.; Sharifian Gh, M.; Soroush, M., Mitigation of thin-film composite membrane biofouling via immobilizing nano-sized biocidal reservoirs in the membrane active layer. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51 (10), 5511-5522.
  5. Perreault, F.; De Faria, A. F.; Nejati, S.; Elimelech, M., Antimicrobial properties of graphene oxide nanosheets: why size matters. ACS nano 2015, 9 (7), 7226-7236.