2018 AIChE Annual Meeting

(390a) A Multi-Objective Multi-Technology (MOMT) Framework to Evaluate Various Ammonia Synthesis Processes


Li, J. - Presenter, Cal Poly Pomona
Chemical engineers are facing more challenges in process development and design today to meet the requirements in three aspects: (1) multiple process objectives have to be considered along the development such as product quality, profitability, energy efficiency, environmental impact, sustainability, safety, etc., (2) various process technologies should be assessed and compared according to the multiple objectives including the new emerging ones, (3) the short development time requires sound screening and evaluation should be made at early stage of the development.

To help designers addressing the challenges, a systematic approach named Multi-Objective Multi-Technology (MOMT) evaluation framework is proposed to facilitate the evaluation procedure. The approach streamlines the traditional development layers in terms of feed preparation, reaction, separation, heat exchanger network, utilities, etc., while introduces new evaluation factors such as logistics, life cycle analysis, sustainability, etc. Therefore, the approach would evaluate various technologies especially the sustainable new ones under the same framework.

To show the efficiency of the approach, three process technologies are evaluated including (1) traditional Haber–Bosch ammonia synthesis, (2) large scale water electrolysis for ammonia synthesis, and (3) distributed wind-based water electrolysis for ammonia synthesis. An insight evaluation and sound comparison could be expected under the help of the proposed MOMT approach.