2018 AIChE Annual Meeting

(339f) Optimization of the Extraction Parameters in a Millichannel-Based Packed and Unpacked Rectangular Serpentine Extraction Device


Majumder, S. K. - Presenter, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Somen Mondal and Subrata Kumar Majumder*

Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781039, India, Email: somen.mondal@iitg.ernet.in; skmaju@iitg.ernet.in

Corresponding and presenting author’s Email: skmaju@iitg.ernet.in


The present study aims to investigate the effect of copper ion concentration in the solution (Cm), extractant concentration in the solvent (Cs), solution pH, mixture actual velocity of the phases (Um) and temperature (T) on copper extraction process from a copper-laden solution. Copper is extracted from the aqueous phase to the organic phase using a commercially available extractant D2EHPA [Bis-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate] dissolved in the organic phase (benzene). The present work introduced a rectangular serpentine packed millichannel as a novel extracting device. The main parameters for the copper extraction process were optimized for the flow through a rectangular serpentine channel and the effect of packing on the extraction efficiencies was explained in this present work. It is observed that pH is one of the most important parameters for the extraction process. At a pH = 9.26, Cm= 0.047M, Ce = 0.05M and the aqueous to organic phase ratio (A/O) = 1, the higher percentage of extraction (96.17%) as well higher extraction efficiency (96.32%) is obtained by the packed channel whereas the unpacked channel shows 86.81% extraction at an efficiency of 88.58%. After fixing the parameters of the extraction process at a particular value other than temperature, the percentage of extraction and efficiency for both the channels increases, but at a temperature 500C, the higher extraction (97.02%) for packed channel proved its benefit over the unpacked channel which showed 86.38% copper extraction with an efficiency of 88.28%. The equilibrium constant for the copper extraction by D2EHPA has also been incorporated in the study. It is seen that the Keand the KLa values are quite satisfactory for the packed channel. Due to the large number of benefits like higher reaction rate, the higher mass transfer coefficient and also for the higher extraction efficiency (98.89%), the rectangular packed channel device may be used as a highly efficient extraction or any other reaction devices. The performance study of the packed and unpacked channel reveals the fact that extraction efficiency of the packed channel is higher (85-99%) than the unpacked channel (80-91%). The present work may be helpful for further understanding about the separation and extraction of copper from a particle laden metal ion solution and also may be useful for the innovation of the new rectangular serpentine packed channel mass transfer devices in future.

Keywords: Serpentine millichannel; extraction parameters; packed and unpacked channel; equilibrium constant; volumetric mass transfer coefficient.


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