2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
(187g) Quantitative Analysis of the Influence of Capillary Pressure on Geologic Carbon Storage Forecasts. Case Study: CO2-EOR in the Anadarko Basin, Texas
The case study area for the research presented is the Farnsworth Unit (FWU), an active CO2 â enhanced oil recovery field in the Anadarko Basin of northern Texas. Correlation among porosity and permeability data within the FWU suggest a series of definitive hydrostratigraphic units, zones of the reservoir that exhibit similar flow properties. In a separate study, capillary pressure was measured by mercury intrusion testing of 46 core samples from two different wells in the FWU. Thirteen of those 46 samples were correlated to specific hydrostratigraphic units within the principal reservoir, the Morrow âBâ Sandstone. Five of the 13 samples were chosen for this study to represent each of the five hydrostratigraphic units identified in the reservoir. The relative permeability curve assigned to each of these flow units included saturation end-points determined from the capillary pressure data for that particular flow unit, in effect a heterogeneous parameter assignment. Results of models parameterized with this approach were compared to models that utilize a more conventional approach of assigning a single relative permeability and capillary pressure relationship to a reservoir, typically based on lithology type or geologic formation. Also compared were results of models parameterized with other synthetic relative permeability relationships paired to measured capillary pressure relationships and simulations run without capillary pressure.
The main conclusions drawn from this analysis include (1) heterogeneity in relative permeability plays a major role in simulated forecasts of CO2 migration, trapping mechanisms and storage capacity, as well as oil and water production, and (2) capillary pressure, and in particular the magnitude of capillarity, also plays a major role in these processes; conversely, if the magnitude of capillarity is small relative to in situ fluid pressures, it imparts insignificant effects on these processes.