2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
(158b) Evidence for Tunable Electronic Metal-Support Interactions in Carbon-Supported Palladium Catalysts
Tessonnier, J. P. - Presenter, Iowa State University
Rao, R., Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Iowa State University
Blume, R., Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion
Dreyer, K., Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida
Hansen, T. W., Center for Electron Nanoscopy, Technical University of Denmark
Hibbitts, D., University of Florida
Schlogl, R., Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
Metal-support interactions have been theoretically and experimentally elucidated for oxide supports but remain poorly understood for carbons due to their complex nanoscale structure. Here, we combine advanced spectroscopy and microscopy on model Pd/C samples to decouple the electronic and surface chemistry effects on catalytic performance. We show that structural defects alter the work function of carbon supports, hereby inducing a charge redistribution at the metal-carbon interface. This charge transfer enhances both the activity and selectivity of metal atoms near the interface. We also demonstrate how simple thermal treatments can be used to tune the interfacial charge distribution, hereby providing a strategy to rationally design carbon-supported catalysts.