2017 Annual Meeting

Development of Alternative Applications for Artificial Turf through Novel Extrusion Methods

Artificial turf continues to be used as a substitute for grass fields all over the world. Currently there is no recognized recycling method for artificial turf material, which results in a substantial amount of waste when a field is replaced. There is a need for new and innovative ways to recycle the plastic fibers of the artificial turf. Through reprocessing the turf using methods such as Single Screw Extrusion (SSE), Solid-State Melt Extrusion (SSME), Twin Screw Extrusion (TSE), and Solid-State Shear Pulverization (SSSP), several material properties were evaluated to test the strength, flexibility, and hardness of the recycled plastic. By comparing these values to literature values for common polymers, possible applications for the reprocessed turf are explored. We present two different approaches for possible applications for the recycled plastic. The first approach to recycling turf looks to link the production, consumption, and recycling of the turf by utilizing the recycled plastic as the rubber-like infill for new fields. The second approach focuses on small-scale applications in which the recycled plastic is used as 3D printing filament. Ultimately, the most cost effective and impactful use for recycled turf will be determined by evaluating both large and small-scale applications.