2017 Annual Meeting
(87g) Characterizing Mixing Processes Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and z-Transform
While we may normally strive to design and implement mixing processes as ideal continuous stirred-tank reactors, the behavior of real mixing processes often does not conform to this paradigm. In order to run mixing processes more effectively and efficiently or to troubleshoot problematic ones, it is helpful to be able to characterize the internal mixing dynamic behavior of such nonideal processes in a quantitative and deterministic way. In our current study we extend our previously work by opening up the blackbox nonideal mixing process and demonstrate how we can analyze its internal mixing dynamics using transient CFD simulations and z-transform. The result allows us to identify and construct models to capture local phenomena such as compartmentalization and short-circuiting, and determine under which conditions the overall mixing process can be deconstructed into a network of smaller classical mixing and transport processes.