2017 Annual Meeting

(7hb) Process Systems Engineering in Pharmaceutical Process Development


Su, Q. - Presenter, Purdue University
Research Interests:

Firstly, I firmly believe that mathematical tools are the best scientific languages to understand the complex and dynamic chemical engineering processes. My background in Process Systems Engineering (PSE) has helped me to gain knowledge of a broad category of engineering tools for pharmaceutical process modelling, design, optimisation, and control. Hence, I am very interested in developing a systems-based pharmaceutics development methodologies, which involves a holistic approach to drug formulation and the design of the drug manufacturing process that makes use of a mechanistic model-based framework and targeted experiments. We have conducted our research framework based on PSE tools and contributed to the development of new crystallization and manufacturing process, e.g. the plug-flow crystalliser, continuous oscillatory baffled crystalliser, continuous mixing blender, dry impact milling. My current research project in Purdue University is funded by and working with the FDA. Our main goal is to advance regulatory science to support the implementation of continuous solid dose manufacturing systems, equipped with control systems that are capable of handling raw material variability and assuring product quality in real time. My specific work is to determine the risk levels from the different sensing configuration and evaluated them and use them to enable control systems capable of assuring product quality, which is of great concern to the real-time release strategy of the continuous manufacturing.

My future research interests would continue exploring the implementation of these process systems engineering tools in pharmaceutical continuous manufacturing and crystallization, and seeking collaborating opportunities with other faculty members in this area.

Teaching Interests:

In terms of teaching, which requires the experience and capability to interpret the rigid scientific terminologies in understandable language, is usually a challenge for new faculty members. During the course modules for the Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) in CMAC Loughborough University, I have had the chances to experience for myself this hurdle. And I find I could overcome this and enjoyed the teaching, especially when I was preparing the course structure and assignment. In addition, having laid a solid foundation in Chemical Engineering, especially the advanced course modules in NUS (Ranked 1st in Asia and 5th in the world universities, QS World Univerisites), I would feel comfortable teaching across a broad range of subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.