2017 Annual Meeting

(7gi) Multi-Level Systems Modeling

In this poster session, I will discuss my Ph.D. research in the area of Process Systems Engineering (PSE) at Purdue University, my Postdoctoral research at MIT, the research topics and projects I am proposing to pursue, and my teaching interests and experience. For more information, please visit my website: http://www.emregencer.com/.

Research Interests:

Current energy and chemical sectors predominantly depend on fossil resources. Limited fossil resources and significant increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases urge to develop and implement low-carbon energy conversion processes for a sustainable economy.

The overarching goal of my research is to meet essential human needs including transportation fuel, chemicals, electricity and water while cost effectively reducing carbon foot print and improving resource utilization. My research focuses on multi-level systems analysis of energy conversion technologies for synthesis of energy efficient, synergistic processes incorporating process intensification for optimal utilization of resources.

During my PhD, I have focused on determining the optimal synergistic process design to produce liquid fuel from biomass and natural gas, developing a methodology to synthesize efficient solar thermal hydrogen production processes, identifying and optimizing efficient solar thermal hydrogen production process designs based on the developed methodology, synthesis of integrated thermal desalination processes, creating efficient and intensified processes to convert solar thermal energy into electricity and to continuously supply to the grid by integrated energy storage solutions. Moreover, I have worked on policy analysis of large-scale energy storage options for uninterrupted renewable power supply, particularly on closed loop CO2-driven energy storage solutions.

For my postdoctoral research, I am working on developing a process superstructure based modeling framework to systematically analyze techno-economic indicators of integration of carbon capture, utilization, and storage technologies with various CO2 sources such as fossil fuel-fired power plants and industrial processes. I am also involved with performing life cycle analysis of major energy conversion technologies.

Teaching Interests:

I had extensive teaching experience as a teaching assistant at Purdue University. I gave several lectures and prepared several teaching materials including a new curriculum and a complete set of lab instructions of the newest version of Aspen Plus for the Design and Analysis of Processing Systems course. I am passionate about teaching and I am particularly interested in enhancing students’ understanding on energy conversion technologies, process design and advanced mathematical modeling. I am also interested in teaching thermodynamics, separations, heat and mass transfer.

I received several teaching awards including 2016 Graduate School’s Excellence in Teaching Award, Purdue University’s highest award in recognition of graduate student teachers, Excellence for Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award as voted by the graduating seniors for Teaching Excellence in Chemical Engineering and 2013 CETA (Committee Education of Teaching Assistants) Award.


  1. Gençer E, Miskin C, Sun X, Khan R, Bermel P, Alam A, Agrawal R (2017). Directing solar photons to sustainably meet food, energy and water needs, Scientific Reports, 7, 3133, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-03437-x.
  2. Gençer E, Agrawal R (2017). Strategy to synthesize integrated solar energy coproduction processes with optimal process intensification. Case study: Efficient solar thermal hydrogen production, Computers and Chemical Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2017.01.038.
  3. Gençer E, Agrawal R (2017). Synthesis of Efficient Solar Thermal Power Cycles for Baseload Power Supply, Energy Conversion and Management, 133, 486-497.
  4. Gençer E, Agrawal R (2016). A commentary on the US policies for efficient large scale renewable energy storage systems: Focus on carbon storage cycles. Energy Policy, 88, 477-484.
  5. Gençer E, Mallapragada DS, Maréchal F, Tawarmalani M, Agrawal R (2015). Round-the-clock power supply and a sustainable economy via synergistic integration of solar thermal power and hydrogen processes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 112(52), 15821-15826.
  6. Parsell T, Yohe S, Degenstein J, Jarrell T, Klein I, Gençer E, Hewetson B, Hurt M, Kim J I, Choudhari H, Saha B, Meilan R, Mosier N, Ribeiro F, Delgass W N, Chapple C, Kenttamaa H I, Agrawal R, Abu-Omar M M, (2015). A synergistic biorefinery based on catalytic conversion of lignin prior to cellulose starting from lignocellulosic biomass. Green Chemistry, 17(3), 1492-1499.
  7. Gençer E, Tawarmalani M, Agrawal R (2015). Integrated Solar Thermal Power and Chemical Coproduction Process for Continuous Power Supply and Production of Chemicals. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, 37:2291-2296.
  8. Gençer E, Mallapragada DS, Tawarmalani M, Agrawal R (2014). Synergistic biomass and natural gas conversion to liquid fuel with reduced CO2 emissions. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, 34:525-530.
  9. Gençer E, Al-musleh E, Mallapragada DS, Agrawal R (2014). Uninterrupted renewable power through chemical storage cycles. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 5, 29-36.


  1. Gençer E, O’Sullivan F (2017). CCUS Technologies Baselines Report. MIT Energy Initiative Center for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage.