2017 Annual Meeting
(7cp) Engineering Molecular Interactions in Biological and Electrochemical Interfaces
The structure and dynamics of ions and biomolecules in confined interfaces critically impact the behavior of many complex systems, ranging from energy storage devices to the human brain. However, it remains extremely difficult to rationally tune the subtle balance of strong and weak intermolecular forces that determine molecular assembly in active interfaces. A major origin of this knowledge gap is the dearth of experimental techniques that can directly measure intermolecular forces while simultaneously observing nanoscale electric and magnetic field fluctuations in confined interfaces.
I will draw on my background in molecular force spectroscopy, materials synthesis, and advanced microscopy to develop new approaches to observe and influence ion and biomolecule assembly in active interfaces. One of my primary aims will be to develop a platform for optically measuring electric and magnetic field fluctuations with high spatial and temporal fidelity. I will combine these electromagnetic sensing capabilities with molecular force spectroscopy to tackle fundamental problems in materials science and chemical engineering and to explore dynamic electromagnetic phenomena in complex systems, like neuronal networks.
My research program will initially focus on three questions:
What is the mechanism of ion conductivity in ionic liquids and energy storage electrolytes?
How can ion and solvent dynamics be tuned to influence protein aggregation and assembly?
How can magnetic soft materials be used to measure and influence biological processes?
My vision bridges and expands upon my prior research experiences. During my Ph.D. at UC Santa Barbara, I worked with Jacob Israelachvili, using molecular force spectroscopy to study ionic liquids and peptides in confined interfaces. One of my major scientific breakthroughs was the astonishing discovery that less than 0.1 % of the ions that compose ionic liquids contribute to electrostatic screening in electrochemical interfaces, resulting in a new perspective on ionic liquids and energy storage electrolytes. Further, my work raised many important additional questions, and the ion conductivity mechanism in ionic liquids and high concentration electrolytes remains controversial.
While working in the colloid and interfacial science field, I realized that combining the measurement of nanoscale electromagnetic field fluctuations with molecular force spectroscopy would provide revolutionary opportunities to address many important scientific questions. As a result, I moved to Stanford University, where I was awarded the highly competitive 2016-2018 GLAM Postdoctoral Fellowship to work with Nicholas Melosh to develop diamond nanomaterials for advanced bio-imaging and electric field sensing. I now have experience in the synthesis and processing of diamond nanomaterials and using diamond quantum sensing to optically measure electromagnetic fields.
Consequently, I am uniquely poised to combine fluorescence-based electric and magnetic field sensing with molecular force spectroscopy to develop a research program that addresses critical scientific challenges, from developing novel energy storage materials to fingerprinting and influencing neuronal misfiring in neurological disorders.
Selected Publications:
Gebbie MA, Valtiner M, Banquy X, Fox ET, Henderson WA, Israelachvili JN. Ionic liquids behave as dilute electrolyte solutions. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 110, 9674â9679 (2013).
- DOE Basic Energy Sciences Research Highlight, June 2013
Gebbie** MA, Smith AM, Dobbs HA, Lee AA, Warr GG, Banquy X, Valtiner, M, Rutland** MW, Israelachvili** JN, Perkin** S, Atkin** R. Long range electrostatic forces in ionic liquids. Chem. Commun. 53, 1214âÂÂ1224 (2017).
- ** - Co-corresponding authorship
- Invited Feature Review
Gebbie* MA, Wei* W, Schrader AM, Cristiani T, Waite JH, Israelachvili JN. Tuning underwater adhesion with cation-Ï interactions. Nature Chemistry 9, 473â479 (2017).
- * - Equal contribution
- Highlighted in Chemical & Engineering News, February 2017
Teaching Interests:
I have diverse teaching interests and would be excited to teach courses in statistical mechanics, general thermodynamics, chemical engineering unit operations, surface and interfacial science, and introductory materials science.