2017 Annual Meeting
(724g) Comparison in Dynamic Response of Energy-Storing Cryogenic and Chemical Absorption Carbon Capture Systems to Electricity Demand
This investigation considers the integrated system of a coal-fired power generation unit and the above mentioned capture systems. The energy-storing versions of both capture systems are considered in this analysis, which allows for more flexibility toward volatile electricity prices. Unlike many of the previous analyses that consider a constant electricity demand, the goal in this analysis is to compare the performance of both carbon capture systems in response to the dynamic electricity demand while maximizing the operational profit. Inability of both systems in meeting the electricity demand is severely penalized. Thus, meeting the power demand is given the higher priority in comparison to maximization of the profit. The dynamic model of the CCC process is developed previously by the authors and is used in this analysis [3-7]. The model from [12-16] is also adopted for the analysis of the amine-based carbon capture. Some modifications are needed, however, to develop a common basis for comparison. The dynamic models of both systems are developed in the GAMS modeling language and are run for 8 days of simulation time on the NEOS Server [17]. Nonlinear solvers such as KNITRO, CONOPT, and IPOPT are used in analysis to solve the models. A 2014 electricity demand profile from a residential area in San Diego, CA, with a maximum demand of 2000 MW is adopted in this study. A common assumption in comparing the carbon capture systems is 90% capture rate. Thus, 90% capture rate is also assumed in this study while a penalty of $50/tonne is applied for the emission of remaining CO2 to the atmosphere. Wind power is also utilized in meeting the total electricity demand and results in a more sustainable power production. In both systems, it is observed that they are capable of meeting the dynamic electricity demand throughout the simulation horizon while priority is given to using the wind power in meeting the demand. The remaining power requirement is met from coal. It is also observed that the CCC process consumes less total energy than the amine system to capture the same amount of CO2. Additionally, the operational profit of running the CCC process is significantly higher than the amine system. The lower energy consumption of the CCC process, higher operational profit, and the large-scale energy storage capability of it suggest that the CCC process could be a promising system for large-scale integration with the power grid which helps in stabilizing the grid.
[1] https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/pdf/0383(2017).pdf
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[6] S. M. Safdarnejad, J. D. Hedengren, L. L. Baxter, Effect of Cryogenic Carbon Capture (CCC) on Smart Power Grids, Proceedings of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Austin, TX, 2015.
[7] S. M. Safdarnejad, J. D. Hedengren, L. L. Baxter, Dynamic Optimization of a Hybrid System of Energy-Storing Cryogenic Carbon Capture and a Baseline Power Generation Unit, Applied Energy
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[9] E. Ebrahimzadeh, P. Wilding, D. Frankman, F. Fazlollahi and L. L. Baxter, "Theoretical and experimental analysis of dynamic plate heat exchanger: Non-retrofit configuration." Applied Thermal Engineering 93 (2016) 1006-1019
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[14] S. M. Safdarnejad, Developing Modeling, Optimization, and Advanced Process Control Frameworks for Improving the Performance of Transient EnergyâIntensive Applications, PhD Dissertation, Brigham Young University, 2016
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[17] J. Czyzyk, M. P. Mesnier, J. J. Moré, The NEOS Server. IEEE Journal on Computational Science and Engineering 5(3), 1998, 68-75.