2017 Annual Meeting
(659b) Techno-Economic Comparison of an Industrial Scale Pyrolysis of Seaweed for Liquid Fuel Production: H2 Production vs. H2 Purchase Scenarios
Brigljevic, B. - Presenter, Pukyong National University
Liu, J. J., Pukyong National University
Woo, H. C., Pukyong National University
In this study, process design, simulation and technoeconomical assessment is performed using Aspen plus software and experimental data for indirectly heated pyrolysis of Saccharina japonica seaweed. The scale of the process was set to 350,000 tons per year of dry feed. For the upgrading and stabilization of the liquid pyrolysis product, hydrogen is required. Experimentally determined molar ratio of hydrogen to feed is 5.5 which at this scale translates to 220 kmol/hr. The base case process design includes on site hydrogen production through natural gas reforming and pressure swing adsorption, which presents a significant capital cost investment of estimated 55% compared to other parts of the process. This study compares the base case with hydrogen purchase and provides economical insight in terms of expected lower capital cost investment and lower Minimum Product Selling Price.