2017 Annual Meeting
(646i) Performance Evaluation of Anomaly Diagnosis System Based on Adaptive Resonance Theory
The anomaly detection systems of these studies were developed using a single model and a single algorithm. When applying ART to anomaly detection and identification problems, various models and algorithms can be used for detection and identification, and the model and algorithm selections affect the detection and identification performance. These effects, however, have not been evaluated yet.
In this study, we examined the performance of anomaly detection and identification of diagnosis systems based on ART by using the Tennessee Eastman process data. For anomaly detection, the effect of model division and multiple use of the ART model on the anomaly detection performance was evaluated. We examined a case in which an ART model was applied to the whole plant and a case in which an ART model was applied to each subsystem of the plant. We also evaluated how the performance of the system changes with the selection of vigilance parameters of the ART model. The performance of anomaly identification was examined by comparing the kinds of anomalies and the categories created by the ART models. The results of a case study indicate that model division can improve the anomaly detection performance and multiple use of ART models can reduce the false alarm rate. The results also show that anomaly diagnosis systems based on ART are applicable to anomaly identification.
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