2017 Annual Meeting
(644d) Chemical Controls on Secondary Mineral Precipitation of Fe and Ba in Hydraulic Fracturing Systems
Organics, both native to the shale and injected into the subsurface, play a large role in secondary mineral production. In the case of Fe in low pH (2-4) fracturing fluids, Fe(II) oxidation should be retarded. Iron(II) oxidation experiments focusing solely on the interaction of organic material with the fracture fluid showed that at pH 2, in contrast with the bulk shale experiments, Fe(II) did not oxidize. Bitumen, which is the most labile organic material in oil/gas shales, is readily extracted from the shales by organics common to fracture fluid. When bitumen (extracted from either Marcellus or Green River shale) was added to the Fe(II)/fracture fluid system, a significant amount of Fe(II) oxidized over a 48 hour period (upwards of 40%). Thus, bitumen released from the shale during hydraulic fracturing has the ability to override the Fe oxidation inhibition effect of acidic solutions. Barium on the other hand has no redox-dependent chemical reactions in these systems. Simplified experiments were conducted to address barite precipitation in the presence of various organic chemicals found in fracture fluids, formation waters, and produced waters. These experiments also investigated the effect of ionic strength (0.8mM and 1.8M) as well as pH (2 and 7). In all cases, low pH completely inhibited the precipitation of barite. Varying the ionic strength in control reactors (no added organics) showed that high ionic strength retarded barite precipitation compared to the low ionic strength reactor, but did not inhibit precipitation of barium-bearing phases. At low ionic strength, we found no difference in barite precipitation rates in the presence of acetate, methanol, or ethylene glycol; however, kerosene and polyethylene glycol had a mild retardation effect. These results are surprising since chemicals such as ethylene glycol are injected as an anti-scaling agent. Though other organics, such as citrate and guar gum, did not completely stop the precipitation of barite, they did severely retard precipitation. Interestingly, when experiments with ethylene glycol were conducted at high ionic strength, barite precipitation was completely inhibited, suggesting a significant change in complexation of either Ba or SO4 to the ethylene glycol molecule, which could inhibit nucleation or poison the crystal surface. These results show that organics used in hydraulic fracturing operations have a significant and at times unexpected impact on the production of secondary mineral phases that can reduce porosity and permeability in the subsurface and potentially negatively impact production and the life of a well.