2017 Annual Meeting

(616f) Nanofabrication of  Devices for Electromagnetic Energy Capture and Conversion to Electricity


Pinhero, P. J. - Presenter, University of Missouri
Thacker, Z. - Presenter, University of Missouri
The subject of this paper is terahertz (THz) recteenna. Rectenna are devices based on two fundamental components. There is an antenna that captures the photonic energy and a rectifier that transforms alternating current (AC) into a directional current (DC) for use in power systems. Research on our team is presently focused on developing efficient rectenna devices capable of capturing electromagnetic (EM) radiation is the form of infrared (IR) emitted waste heat. Materials-based solutions used in this regard include tailoring antenna geometry and composition and coupling metamaterials into the receiver. The antenna are coupled through a feedpoint to a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) type diode. MIM diodes possess the characteristic of being well-suited for high-speed aplications.

This bulk of this paper will center on fabricating rectenna devices and testing strategies which are not trivial in the 30 - 300 THz region. In order to truly quantify overall efficiency numbers, our reserach team uses computational finite element modeling (FEM). Thie paper will present results from FEM thermal transport models, optoelectronic models, and nanofabrication models. In summary, results will be provided about rectenna device performance at 1, 5, and 30 THz.