2017 Annual Meeting
(587d) Comparative Techno-Economic Analysis of Algal Biofuel Production Via Hydrothermal Liquefaction: One Stage Versus Two Stages
To address the drawbacks of DHTL, a novel sequential hydrothermal liquefaction (SEQHTL) for simultaneous extraction of co-products and bio-oil from algal biomass has been proposed by our group. This process highlights recovery of proteins and polysaccharides at first stage and extraction of bio-oils at second stage at much lower temperature and pressure. The pre-removal of protein substances at first stage substantially decreases nitrogen content of bio-oil obtained at second stage by 30-55% and enhanced fatty acids exaction yields additionally.
A comprehensive techno-economic analysis (TEA) of DHTL of algae associated with oil upgrading was performed by PNNL, resulting in minimum fuel selling price (MFSPï¼ $4.77 gal-1. However, this cost derived from DHTL cannot achieve the overall goal of 3 $/GGE established by the Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) by 2022. Based on sensitivity analysis, the total investment could play an important role in determining algal MFSP besides feedstock cost, thus decreases on investment cost could offer a desirable MFSP. In this case, SEQHTL process is expected to provide less investment cost due to the low operating temperature and pressure. Moreover, isolated proteins and polysaccharides can be regarded as co-products credits to further compensate production cost.
We have two phases analysis procedure. Our first goal is to compare our proposed SEQHTL process using Chlorella with DHTL process using another algae species, Nannochlorpsis. In this phase all the DHTL process data were retrieved from PNNL reports and SEQHTL data were retrived from pervious experimental work in our group. Preliminary results showed that HTL equipment cost of SEQHTL is only 60% of that in DHTL. The total capital investment is 150 million cheaper than DHTL. The sugar products indeed make some credits in operating cost. However, the final oil selling price of SEQHTL was still higher than DHTL because of the different strains applied (Oil conversion rate was 50% in PNNL, while our strain only have 30%). If we increase the oil yield up to the same value as DHTL, the selling price decreases to $4.21 gge. The second phase will be conducted to compare cost between SEQHTL and DHTL with same algal strain. Preliminay results showed that slimilar oil conversion rates were realized for these two methods, thus SEQHTL process is expected to be more economic to produce algal biofuels than DHTL in terms of capital costs, operating costs, and minimum fuel selling price.
In addition, sensitivity analysis indicated that four major factors that affecting MFSP in SEQHTL process were algal feedstock cost, bio-oil conversion rate, sugar selling price, internal rate of return. The cost of algae is the top reason that blocks the development of algal biofuels. If the cost could be lower to 70% of original price, the fuel selling price will be decreased by $1/gge. Realizing high bio-oil conversion yield is rather important, the more produced, the lower price could be sold. Additionally, the selling price of co-products plays an important role. If we could extract high value co-products as well as biofuels. The MFSSP could drop substantially.
The purpose of this study is to provide preliminary TEA result of SEQHTL process and demonstrate the potential of replacing conventional DHTL process with promising SEQHTL as a novel platform in conversion technology, especially with co-products extraction from natural biomaterials. Future R&D should be focused on enhancing bio-oil production yield and effective separation of co-products in the field of conversion technology as well as reducing the cost of algae feedstocks. Although uncertainty exists due to the lack of experimental data and scale-up experience of HTL facilities, SEQHTL process is a promising and competitive conversion technology to handle wet feedstocks and fractionate biomass into high valued co-products.