2017 Annual Meeting

(582cf) CO2-Utilizing Chemical Looping Reforming with the Phase Merge of Fe2O3–NiO to NiFe2O4 in a Perovskite Shell


Lim, H. S., KAIST
Lee, J., Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)
Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR) converts methane into syngas by using metal oxide as an oxygen carrier. Reduced metals by CH4 are then completely regenerated by air in another reactor. In this research, NiO-Fe2O3/La0.8Sr0.2FeO3 was synthesized as an oxygen carrier and CO2 was utilized for combined oxidizer for reduced metal with coke gasification. CH4 was further injected to the reduced oxygen carrier and hydrogen was additionally produced through the decomposition of CH4. Through continuous redox reactions, bimetallic phases of NiO-Fe2O3 were merged to singular NiFe2O4 phase. H2-Temperature Programmed Reduction (H2-TPR) measured the reduction kinetics of fresh and 10-cycle spent particle. The result demonstrates that through cyclic redox, the maximum reduction extent of the oxygen carrier increase with the slower reduction kinetics. This can inhibit the total combustion of CH4 and coke formation on the surface, thus both syngas selectivity and reaction stability can be enhanced.