2017 Annual Meeting
(582bv) Nature and Consequences of Al - Al Interactions in SSZ-13 Zeolite
We calculated the total energies of two protons each associated with an O adjacent to Al, and reported these energies relative to the isolated Brønsted site energy. At a given Al separation there is a range of energies corresponding to the proton associated with each of the four symmetry-distinct O atoms. At third-nearest-neighbor separation, energies begin to decrease relative to the infinite limit. Energies are minimized at first-nearest-neighbor separation, suggesting that Al sites experience an attractive potential in the acid-form, and in this form the Al will tend to aggregate. As laboratory-prepared zeolites generally follow Löwensteinâs rule, the DFT results show that this rule is not a consequence of the underlying energy landscape experienced by the Al sites. Further, at conditions at which Al become mobile on the SSZ-13 lattice, e.g. high temperature steaming, the Al experience an attractive interaction that may lead to Al aggregation and ultimately provide a route to dealumination. The results provide a baseline for considering the influence of other extra-lattice ions.
[1] Paolucci, C., Di Iorio, J. R., Ribeiro, F. H., Gounder, R, and Schneider, W. F. Adv. Catal. 57 (2016).
[2] Paolucci, C., Parekh, A. A., Khurana, I., Di Iorio, J. R., Li, H., Albarracin Caballero, J. D., Shih, A. J., Anggara, T., Delgass, W. N., Miller, J. T., Ribeiro, F. H., Gounder, R., and Schneider, W. F. J Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 6028 (2016).
[3] Di Iorio, J. R., and Gounder, R. Chem. Mater. 28 2236 (2016).