2017 Annual Meeting
(578d) Plant-Wide Modeling, Techno-Economic Analysis and Optimization of the Shale-Gas to Dimethyl Ether (DME) Process Via Direct and Indirect Synthesis Route
In this study, plant-wide models for shale gas-to-DME synthesis processes via direct and indirect routes are first developed in Aspen Plus V8.4®. Kinetic models of the pre-reforming reactor, autothermal reforming reactor and DME synthesis reactors are developed and validated with the experimental data. For acid gas removal (AGR), two technologies, namely the Rectisol and MDEA/PZ technologies, are evaluated. A novel DME separation process that can efficiently separate DME, syngas and CO2 has been developed. Binary interaction parameters for the vapor liquid equilibrium (VLE) model of the methanol-CO2, DME-CO2, DME-H2O and DME-CO mixtures are regressed using the experimental data. Aspen Energy Analyzer V8.4® is used to design an optimal heat exchanger network by pinch analysis and the heat exchangers are sized rigorously using Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating V8.4®. The modeled equipment is mapped using the Icarus database in Aspen Process Economic Analyzer V8.4® (APEA) and economic evaluation is performed. An optimal design of the process is obtained by maximizing the Net Present Value (NPV) by using a multi-software platform comprising of Matlab, Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic, Aspen Plus, and APEA.
To summarize, the presentation will focus on the following aspects:
- Synthesis of the plant-wide models for DME synthesis following direct and indirect routes
- System level energy analysis of shale gas-to-DME production processes for varying H2/CO ratio, CO2 capture rate, and AGR technology
- Uncertainty analysis due to the raw materials price, product price and scale of the plant
- Optimal design of the process by maximizing NPV
Ogawa, T.; Inoue, N.; Shikada, T.; Inokoshi, O.; Ohno, Y. Direct Dimethyl Ether (DME) Synthesis from Natural Gas. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis Natural Gas Conversion VII, Proceedings of the 7th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium. 2004, 379â384.