2017 Annual Meeting

(543a) Elevated Pressure Interfacial Dynamics of LS Surfactants at the Water-CO2 Interface


Hinton, Z. R. - Presenter, Drexel University
Alvarez, N. J., Drexel University
There are several examples of surfactants employed under extreme temperatures and pressures, e.g. the Deep Horizon oil spill, cleaning and recycling techniques, and fuel recovery and transport. Understanding the effect of these conditions, particularly pressure, on the fundamental behavior of surfactants has yet to be fully explored. In this work, a novel high pressure microtensiometer setup is detailed which allows for dynamic interfacial tension measurements at elevated temperatures and pressures at microscale interfaces. We will present the effect of pressure and temperature on the governing surfactant transport mechanisms and overall equation of state for multiple LS surfactants, which are commonly used in high pressure applications.