2017 Annual Meeting
(497c) Graph-Theoretic Approach for the Synthesis of Distributed Control Architecture
In this talk, we present a systematic framework for the synthesis of distributed control architecture using principles of graph theory. To this end, the control problem of an integrated network is abstracted as an equation graph with the various input, output and state variables as nodes and their (static or dynamic) interdependence as edges. In this setting, the distributed architecture synthesis problem is equivalent to decomposing the equation graph into âcommunitiesâ with strong connectivity between nodes belonging to each community and weak inter-community edges. Initially, it is considered that all the edges are equally important. The distributed structure obtained in this case thus results in minimum inter-controller interactions. Subsequently, strength of interaction between a variable pair is used as an edge weight. The distributed architecture obtained in this case results in optimal input-output pairing.
The direct decomposition of the equation graph allows for deriving state-space descriptions for the individual sub-controllers. The framework uses minimum system information and is highly scalable due to advances in community detection algorithms. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is illustrated with the help of a case study on an integrated network.
[1] Liu, J., Munoz de la Pena, D., Christofides, P. D. Distributed model predictive control of nonlinear process systems. AIChE J. 55 (5), 1171-1184.