2017 Annual Meeting
(495b) High-Efficiency Dynamic Lighting with Transition Metal Elements As Sensitizers
For this purpose, β-NaYF4:Er|TiO2:Ni core-shell nanoparticles were synthesized by using a combination of thermal decomposition and stöber processes. The surface of the shell layer is functionalized with benzoic acid (BZA) ligands via carboxylic acid chemistry in order to create external chemical dipole. Standard structural and compositional characterizations were performed on these nanoparticles in order to identify the morphology, shape, crystal structure and elemental composition. Next, the optical properties, such as absorption and upconversion luminescence, were investigated via optical spectroscopy (UV-Vis/Photoluminescence), demonstrating the ability to shift the absorption spectra of TM ion and tune the RE-TM energy transfer kinetics for controlled upconversion emission. Furthermore, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) was employed to probe the local site chemical environment surrounding the dopant, indicating the ligand induced dipole, for engineering of the dopant oxidation state within the shell layer without changing the overall charge of the system. Moreover, the system is modeled using time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) simulations based on the concepts of Tanabe-Sugano diagrams and Judd-Ofelt theories, showing good agreement between theory and experiment.