2017 Annual Meeting
(461d) Derivation of Generalized Affine Decision Rules for Mixed Integer Linear, Quadratic and Nonlinear Adjustable Robust Optimization Problems By Multi-Parametric Programming
In this work we propose a novel method for the derivation of generalized affine decision rules for linear/quadratic/nonlinear and mixed-integer ARO problems through multi-parametric programming. The ARO problem is treated as a multi-level programming problem (4) and it is then solved using M-POP, which is a novel algorithm for the exact and global solution of multi-level mixed-integer linear or quadratic programming problems (5, 6). The main idea behind the proposed approach is to solve the lower optimization level of the ARO problem parametrically, by considering âhere-and-nowâ variables and uncertainties as parameters. This will result in a set of affine decision rules for the âwait-and-seeâ variables as a function of âhere-and-nowâ variables and uncertainties for their entire feasible space. A set of illustrative numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the potential of the proposed novel approach.
(1) Ben-Tal, A., Ghaoui, L., Nemirovski, A. Robust optimization (2009) Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford.
(2) Ben-Tal, A., Goryashko, A., Guslitzer, E., Nemirovski, A. Adjustable robust solutions of uncertain linear programs (2004) Mathematical Programming, 99 (2), pp. 351-376.
(3) Kuhn, D., Wiesemann, W., Georghiou, A. Primal and dual linear decision rules in stochastic and robust optimization (2011) Mathematical Programming, 130 (1), pp. 177-209.
(4) Ning, C., You, F. Data-driven adaptive nested robust optimization: General modeling framework and efficient computational algorithm for decision making under uncertainty (2017) AIChE Journal; In Press (onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/aic.15717/pdf)
(5) Faisca, N.P., Dua, V., Rustem, B., Saraiva, P.M., Pistikopoulos, E.N. Parametric global optimisation for bilevel programming (2007) Journal of Global Optimization, 38 (4), pp. 609-623.
(6) Avraamidou, S., Diangelakis, N. A., Pistikopoulos, E. N. Mixed Integer Bilevel Optimization through Multi-parametric Programming (2017) Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations / Chemical Process Control; In Press. (http://folk.ntnu.no/skoge/prost/proceedings/focapo-cpc-2017/FOCAPO-CPC%…)