2017 Annual Meeting

(394c) University Coalition for Fossil Energy Research - a New Doe-NETL National Alliance for Clean Energy Solution


Song, C. - Presenter, Pennsylvania State University
University Coalition for Fossil Energy Research - A New DOE-NETL National Alliance for Clean Energy Solution

Chunshan Song*

DOE-NETL University Coalition for Fossil Energy Research, the Pennsylvania State University, EMS Energy Institute, C211 Coal Utilization Lab, University Park, PA 16802

*E-mail: csong@psu.edu

The University Coalition for Fossil Energy Research (UCFER) was established in 2016 by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) at Penn State after a nation-wide open competition in 2015. The Coalition brings together a multidisciplinary team of researchers from participating universities to address the fundamental challenges in developing clean carbon-based energy technologies. Currently there are 16 member universities in the DOE-NETL UCFER as of May 2017 including Carnegie Mellon Univ, Louisiana State Univ, MIT, Ohio State Univ, Penn State Univ, Princeton Univ, Texas A&M Univ, Univ of Kentucky, Univ of North Dakota, Univ of Pittsburgh, Univ of Southern California, Univ of Tulsa, Univ of Utah, Univ of Wyoming, Virginia Tech, and West Virginia Univ. Research performed by the coalition will directly support the mission of DOE NETL and NETL’s Research and Innovation Center, by focusing on more efficient and more environmentally-friendly fossil energy utilization including diverse research programs such as advanced energy systems, CO2 capture, storage and utilization, energy conversion, oil and gas technology, unconventional natural gas resources and infrastructure, crosscutting research and system analysis. The Coalition will facilitate basic and applied energy research and promote multidisciplinary collaboration among the member universities and NETL. The Coalition also seeks industry participation in research projects and promote technology transfer to the private sector. The research, completed throughout the six-year initiative, is expected to accelerate the development and deployment of fossil fuel-based technologies, enabling the continued use of our nation’s abundant natural resources in a cost effective and environmentally responsible manner.