2017 Annual Meeting
(37d) Impact of Red Blood Cell Rigidity on the Vascular Wall Adhesion of Neutrophils: Implication in the Pathology of Sickle Cell Disease
Materials and Methods: Fresh human blood used in all assays was obtained via venipuncture. RBCs were isolated from whole blood. Separated RBCs were treated with distinct concentrations of tert-Butyl hydroperoxide (tBHP ) and reconstituted with healthy RBCs and plasma+WBCs at 40% final hematocrit for utilization in parallel plate flow chamber (PPFC) assays. RBC deformability was analyzed using a laser-assisted optical rotational cell analyzer (LORRCA; Mechatronics, Hoorn, The Netherlands). Carboxylated 500 nm and 2 µm PS and hydrogel particles had NeutrAvidin covalently attached to the carboxylic acid. Biotinylated Sialyl Lewis A (sLeA, Glycotech, Inc.) was then coupled and calibrated to a site density of 1,000 sites/µm2. WBC and particle adhesion in blood flow with rigid RBCs is compared, i.e. normalized, to WBC and/or particle adhesion of healthy controls, i.e. no rigid RBCs present. Flow distribution images were taking using confocal microscopy with a 20x water immersive objective. For all studies, all data points were included in the analyses and no outliers were excluded in calculations of means or statistical significance. Data are plotted with standard error bars and analyzed as indicated in figure legends. Asterisks indicate p values of *<0.05, **<0.01, ***<0.001 and ****<0.0001 as calculated by 2-way-ANOVA.
Results and Discussion: The TBHP treatment of RBCs only changed RBC membrane rigidity, and did not alter natural disk-like shape. Rigid RBCs are shown to reduce WBC adhesion by up to 80%, contingent on the degree of rigidity and concentration of treated RBCs as seen on Figure 1. WBC adhesion was reduced, although not always significantly lower than healthy control, in every iteration of the model, i.e. distinct wall shear rate (WSR) and RBC rigidities. Higher WSRs with rigid RBCs rendered a greater reduction in WBC adhesion. Particles did not follow similar adhesion trends of WBCs. Contingent on the particle deformability and size, particle adhesion either significantly reduced or improved with the presence of rigid RBCs. To compare RBC core distributions of different conditions to the healthy control with no rigid RBCs present, we used interquartile range (IQR) analysis and normalized to control. RBC core distribution IQR results show that the RBC core is expanded by up to 30% in size when rigid RBCs are present, Figure 2.
Conclusions: WBC adhesion is reduced more drastically by increasing degree of rigidity and WSR. Interestingly, more rigid RBCs does not always translate to worse WBC adhesion. These results hint that rigidity alone can largely disrupt normal hemodynamics and functionality of other blood cells and VTCs.