2017 Annual Meeting

(371e) CH4 and CO2 Transport Properties through Nanoporous Graphene and Graphene Oxide Membranes: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study


Rahmani, F. - Presenter, University of Mississippi
Nouranian, S., University of Mississippi
Khakpay, A., University of Mississippi
Scovazzo, P., University of Mississippi
Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to investigate the gas transport properties of a CH4/CO2 gaseous mixture in single- and double-layered nanoporous graphene (NPG) and graphene oxide (NPGO) membranes. An increase in the CH4 concentration was found to improve the through-the-pore diffusion coefficients of both CO2 and CH4 for both single- and double-layered membranes. The CO2 permeance is smaller than that of CH4 for all membrane configurations, in agreement with the diffusion coefficients of both gases. Therefore, a CH4/CO2 separation is realized in the NPG and NPGO membranes due to a faster permeance of CH4 than CO2. The highest and lowest permeances for CO2 are for the single-layered NPG and the double-layered NPGO membrane, respectively. The perm-selectivities of both NPG and NPGO membranes were determined based on the number of gas molecules passing through the membranes and the gas permeances. The single- and double-layered NPG and NPGO membranes demonstrate a satisfactory performance for the CH4/CO2 separation. Furthermore, the adsorption- and perm-selectivity of the double-layered NPGO membranes show improvement when compared to the single-layered NPGO membranes.