2017 Annual Meeting

(342e) Mediated Oxycombustion with Integrated Uncoupled Oxygen Supply  (MOBIUS)


Sims, A. - Presenter, Southern Illinois University
Mondal, K., Southern Illinois University

systems that circumvent or reduce the energy penalty for carbon dioxide
separation are being vigorously investigated. The approach we have pioneered
aims at synergistically combining the basic objectives of three such
technologies, namely oxy-combustion, chemical looping and liquid anode DCFC,
and transforming them into a single lean, thoroughly optimized single unit
process - Mediated Oxycombustion with Integrated Uncoupled
Oxygen Supply  (MOBIUS) - through innovations that overcome the
bottlenecks of each of these technologies such as a) controlled combustion in a
molten oxide to overcome the issues related to high temperatures (oxycombustion);
b) obviating the need of solids transport between reactors (CLC); and c)
avoiding operational issues such as electrical resistance, ash separation,
impurity tolerance etc (DCFC).   The system (simplistic concept in Figure 1)
synergistically combines the effective aspects of the above mentioned
technologies along with innovations to overcome the hurdles faced by these technologies. 
In MOBIUS, the solid fuel is combusted in the absence of any nitrogen as in oxy-combustion. 
However, the carbon is not combusted directly by oxygen but by a metal oxide as
in a CLC.  Unlike conventional CLC, the MeOx and Me in the proposed
Chemical Looping with Oxygen Uncoupling (CLOU) systems are in the liquid phase
to improve the combustion rates and the mobility of the metal and the oxide. 
The metal is re-oxidized at the walls of the combustor with oxygen that is
uncoupled from the reactor wall material.  The individual subsystem studies
will be presented and the integration of the various subsystems into a single
reactor system will be discussed.  Results from the subsystem will include the
combustion rates, metal oxidation rates, oxygen uptake, transport and release
rates under various conditions and composition of the membrane (during the
membrane evaluation).  The long terms operation of the integrated system will
be demonstrated.