2017 Annual Meeting
(317c) Systematic Analysis and Optimization of Water-Energy Nexus
This work focuses on understanding the interconnection of water and energy flows and optimizing the energy-water networks within a nexus. We present two systematic strategies for the analysis and optimization of a nexus. The first approach relies on a novel representation of different sources and sinks using a single energy vs. water load diagram. This diagram enables the development of a graphical procedure, similar to classical pinch analysis [3,4] for source-sink integration, capable to (i) identify redundant networks within a nexus, (ii) minimize the total energy and water production, while providing the same energy and water grid supplies, and (iii) to maximize the energy and water grid flows from an existing infrastructure. The second is an algebraic approach that includes mathematical models to represent a water-energy nexus. Specifically, we propose a linear programming transshipment-based model, similar to [4], for water-energy nexus optimization. The LP formulation can be further extended to a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization (MINLP) formulation to include capital, operating and transportation costs. This approach provides an optimal network design in terms of minimum number of plants, minimum network cost, or maximum grid flows. Finally, the two approaches with various objectives are implemented on real cases studies at regional, state and country levels.
[1] Garcia, D. J. and F. You (2016). "The water-energy-food nexus and process systems engineering: A new focus." Computers & Chemical Engineering 91: 49-67.
[2] Carter, N. T. (2011). Energyâs water demand: trends, vulnerabilities, and management, DIANE Publishing.
[3] Linnhoff, B. and E. Hindmarsh (1983). "The pinch design method for heat exchanger networks." Chemical Engineering Science 38(5): 745-763.
[4] ElâHalwagi, M. M. and V. Manousiouthakis (1989). "Synthesis of mass exchange networks." AIChE Journal 35(8): 1233-1244.
[5] Papoulias, S. A. and I. E. Grossmann (1983). "A structural optimization approach in process synthesisâII: Heat recovery networks." Computers & Chemical Engineering 7(6): 707-721.