2017 Annual Meeting
(246k) Simultaneous Process Synthesis and Heat Integration Using a Single Superstructure
Although aforementioned works lay the foundation for the simultaneous process synthesis and heat integration, their efficiency is directly related with the quality of the process synthesis superstructure. Recently, Demirel et. al. [7] proposed a building-block based superstructure for simultaneous process synthesis and intensification. They showed that the proposed superstructure can yield non-intuitive flow sheets while considering different mass integration alternatives without a priori postulation of the processing steps and the connectivity between them. In this work, we will build further on the building block superstructure and show that same superstructure can be also embedded with heat integration. In the proposed model, flow rates and temperature values are variables which make the overall problem an MINLP problem. We use dynamic interval construction for minimum utility targeting as proposed by Grossmann and Yeomans [5] and Kong et. al. [6] and solve the process synthesis and heat integration models simultaneously. We will demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach by several case studies and show that it can be used as a generic tool for simultaneous process synthesis and heat integration eliminating the need for suggesting new superstructures for different synthesis problems.
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[4] Yee, T.F. and Grossmann, I.E., 1990. Simultaneous optimization models for heat integrationâIII. Process and heat exchanger network optimization. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 14(10), pp.1165-1184.
[5] Grossmann, I.E., Yeomans, H. and Kravanja, Z., 1998. A rigorous disjunctive optimization model for simultaneous flowsheet optimization and heat integration. Computers & chemical engineering, 22, pp.S157-S164.
[6] Kong, L., Avadiappan, V., Huang, K. and Maravelias, C.T., 2017. Simultaneous chemical process synthesis and heat integration with unclassified hot/cold process streams. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 101, pp.210-225.
[7] Demirel, S.E., Li, J., Hasan, M.M.F., 2017. Systematic process intensification using building blocks. Computers and Chemical Engineering, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2017.01.044.