2017 Annual Meeting

(21c) Novel Starch -Salt Composites; Their Strength, Composition and Scale up Investigated and Characterized


Jansen, V., TU Delft
Nugteren, H., Delft University of Technology
Novel bio-based composite materials attract a lot of attention at the moment. In this work, we have looked in combinations of starch, salt and water which under the right heating conditions form a very strong composite material which could be used for building and design purposes. The work presented will reveal the difference in strength properties using different starches. It will also give more insight in the working principle of forming the composites on a molecular level, with the focus on the types of salts used and the strength properties explained.

Next to this scaling up of the composite formation process will be shown and the issues surrounding this scaling up.

Again it shows that a simple salt starch mixture can form remarkable strong materials which can be used in different application fields.