2017 Annual Meeting
(210d) Collaborative Bioprocess Development and Piloting at DOE's Berkeley National Lab ABPDU for Industrial Chemicals, Fuels, Materials, and Food Ingredient Production
Pray, T. - Presenter, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Tanjore, D., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sun, N., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Narani, A., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Robust and flexible process development, piloting and demonstration is key to scaling up and commercializing new products important for both emerging and established companies in the bioeconomy using fermentation, chemistry, separations, and / or purification processes. The US Dept. of Energyâs (DOE) Advanced Biofuels - and Bioproducts - Process Demonstration Unit (ABPDU), located at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in the San Francisco Bay Area is pioneering new collaborations to accelerate this development and de-risk technologies with our industry, academic and National Lab partners. Over the past 3-4 years, our experienced and well-trained team has worked with over 30 start-up and larger companies from around the country and overseas to develop and scale processes in our facility for products as diverse as chemical intermediates, biomaterials, biofuels and proteins to enable process debottlenecking and commercialization using our world-class bench-to-pilot scale process and analytical equipment and software. The ABPDU serves as a collaboration facility where researchers and developers can incubate and improve their processes, demonstrate their technologyâs feasibility, produce kg-scale product volumes for application testing, and create technology transfer packages for scale-up / scale-down prototyping with other facilities. This presentation will highlight several key outcomes from our partnered projects and describe our technical and project management approaches with a focus on industry-friendly IP and cost terms to work alongside our seasoned team and access the facility and its expanding capability and equipment.