2017 Annual Meeting
(201f) Immobilization and Stabilization of Acylase Via Nanobiocatalytic Approach for Enzymatic Antifouling
Nam, J. - Presenter, Korea University
Lee, B., Korea University
Yeon, K. M., Samsung C&T Corporation
Lee, J., Pohang University of Science and Technology
Kim, J., Korea University
Acylase is a quorum quenching enzymes that disrupts bacterial cell-to-cell communication, and has attracted a great attention due to its great potential in antifouling. However, its short lifetime is one of the main problems against its successful antifouling application under a long-term operation. In this work, we developed stable and magnetically-separable nanobiocatalyst via the approach of nanoscale enzyme reactors (NERs) by adsorbing acylase into the magnetically-separable mesoporous silica and chemically crosslinking the adsorbed acylase molecules. When employed in the system of membrane filtration for advanced water treatment, NERs of acylase (NER-AC) efficiently alleviated the biofilm maturation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 on the membrane surface, thereby enhancing the filtration performance by preventing the biofouling of membrane. The unique antifouling feature of NER-AC has a great potential to be used for the treatment of wastewaters and in various other enzyme applications where the poor enzyme stability has hampered the practical uses of enzymes.