2017 Annual Meeting
(170a) Nonlinear Distributed Model Predictive Control of Gas Sweetening Processes
The optimization-based control of gas sweetening process units and their interconnections, which can be described by a set of algebraic and differential equations (ODEs and PDEs), requires solving a large-scale constrained nonlinear dynamic optimization in real-time [10], which is computationally expensive. In this work, we implement a distributed model predictive control (DMPC) architecture comprising local controllers with some level of cooperation and communication [11, 12]. A prerequisite for the application of such a strategy is the decomposition of the large-scale system into the corresponding subsystems. To this end, we adopt a recently developed framework that determines optimal decompositions based on community detection methods [13-15]. The resulting decompositions maximize the modularity of the corresponding subsystems, thereby minimizing the interactions among them.
Specifically we implement an iterative DMPC architecture to address the output regulation problem. The sweetening process consists of two absorbers, two regenerator columns, and two heat exchangers which are tightly integrated. The optimal decomposition separates the first-stage absorption and regeneration columns from those in the second stage, recommending a distributed control structure of two local controllers which can communicate over the network. The local controllers are developed based on the corresponding ODE systems and coarse discretizations of the PDEs describing the absorber/stripper columns. The closed-loop performance and the average computation time are evaluated using the detailed process model implemented in gPROMS. We additionally compare the results with those of centralized and fully decentralized MPC synthesis.
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[9] M. Wang, A. Lawal, P. Stephenson, J. Sidders, C. Ramshawa, Post-combustion CO2Â capture with chemical absorption: A state-of-the-art review, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 89, 1609â1624, 2011.
[10] R. Lopez-Negrete, F.J. Damato, L.T. Biegler, and A. Kumar. Fast nonlinear model predictive control: Formulation and industrial process applications, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 51, 55â64, 2013.
[11] D.Q. Mayne, Model predictive control: Recent developments and future promise, Automatica, 50(12), 2967â2986, 2014.
[12] P.D. Christofides, R. Scattolini, D. Munoz de la Pena, and J. Liu. Distributed model predictive control: A tutorial review and future research directions, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 51, 21â41, 2013.
[13] S. Heo and P. Daoutidis. Control-relevant decomposition of process networks via optimization-based hierarchical clustering, AIChE Journal, 62(9), 3177â3188, 2016.
[14] S. Heo, W.A. Marvin, and P. Daoutidis. Automated synthesis of control configurations for process networks based on structural coupling, Chemical Engineering Science, 136, 76â87, 2015.
[15] M. Moharir, L. Kang, A. Almansoori, and P. Daoutidis. Control relevant network decomposition of distributed parameter system networks, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2017, submitted.