2017 Annual Meeting

(127a) CO2 Reduction over Metal Cluster/TiO2 photocatalysts


Iyemperumal, S. - Presenter, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Deskins, N. A., Worcester Polytechnic Institute
We previously showed how highly dispersed clusters of Cu on TiO2 could be synthesized using a redox reaction between Cu2+ and Sn2+[1]. Such clusters were active for CO2 reduction. Several other experiments have also shown CO2 conversion activity using metal clusters[2,3]. The ability to synthesize supported metal atoms and clusters to initiate CO2 reduction could lead to cheaper, efficient single-site catalysts. In the current work we modeled using density functional theory (DFT) several metal clusters on TiO2 in order to understand and predict catalytic activity of these materials.

A key activation step in CO2 reduction is the formation of bent CO2 anion species. We initially modeled small Cux (x=1-4) clusters on a TiO2 anatase surface. Our results do indeed show that Cu is able to activate CO2 into a bent configuration that can be further reduced. Charge analysis indicates that CO2 becomes negatively charged in a bent configuration, but not in a linear adsorption mode. We analyzed charges on Cu to assign its oxidation state, as well as calculating adsorbed CO vibrational modes, a common experimental method to assign oxidation state of supported metals. Based on these results we extended our studies to other supported metal clusters, such as Pt, Pd, and Ni. By systematically modeling a large number of supported metals we are able to identify how and which metal clusters may activate CO­2. Such knowledge is crucial towards refining and designing better catalysts for CO2 conversion.

(1) Liu, C.; Iyemperumal, S. K.; Deskins, N. A.; Li, G. J. Photonics Energy 2016, 7, 12004.

(2) Vajda, S.; White, M. G. ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 7152–7176.

(3) Liu, C.; Yang, B.; Tyo, E.; Seifert, S.; DeBartolo, J.; von Issendorff, B.; Zapol, P.; Vajda, S.; Curtiss, L. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 8676–8679.