2017 Annual Meeting
(103b) Cell Surface Complexity Modulates Membrane Capacitance and Differentiation of Human Neural Stem Cells
Membrane capacitance was measured using the 3DEP analyzer, a microdevice that uses electric fields to quickly quantitate capacitance. The cell surface of human neural stem cells was altered by treating cells with N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), which feeds into N-glycosylation pathways leading to the formation of complex, highly-branched sugars. Treatment of human neural stem cells with GlcNAc significantly increases complex branching on the cell surface (lectin LPHA, untreated 18485+/-2069 SEM mean fluorescence intensity (MFI), GlcNAc treated 40863 +/- 4428 SEM. MFI, p<0.001). Increasing complex branching on human neural stem cells significantly increases membrane capacitance (untreated 7.5 +/- 0.18 s.e.m. mF/m2, GlcNAc treated 9.3 +/- 0.47 s.e.m. mF/m2; p<0.001)), showing that cell surface glycosylation patterns impact membrane capacitance values. Modulation of cell surface complexity also affects cell differentiation. Increase in cell surface N-glycosylation increases the percentage of cells expressing undifferentiated cell markers after the cells were in differentiation conditions. Taken together these results indicate a direct association between membrane capacitance, cell surface complexity and differentiation of human neural stem cells.