2016 AIChE Annual Meeting

Rheology of Bovine Cervical Mucus

Cervical mucus is the viscoelastic fluid secreted by the cervix. Dr. Leo Han at OHSU is working to evaluate human cervical mucus samples according to their Insler Score, a method that ranks the samples based on their consistency, ferning, spinnbarkeit, cellularity and volume. Protocols for storing the samples are lacking, as little information is known concerning the limits of storing the mucus at various temperatures. Currently, no protocol by the World Health Organization (WHO) exists for storing cervical mucus. Thus, the goal of this project is to determine whether or not freezing or refrigeration has any rheological effects on the mucus samples. Bovine cervical mucus, easily accessible in large quantities, was selected as a model replacement for human mucus. Using a standard rotational rheometer, dynamic oscillatory-shear tests were completed to determine trends between the viscous and elastic moduli of various bovine cervical mucus samples as a function of storage time and temperature.