2016 AIChE Annual Meeting

(617aa) Effect of the Preparation Method on the Porosity of Amorphous Silica-Alumina to be Used in Hydrocracking Reactions


Coconubo Díaz, A. L. - Presenter, Universidad Industrial de Santander
Ballesteros Rueda, L. M., Universidad Industrial de Santander


Angélica L. Coconubo-Díaz1A, Alexander
Guzmán-Monsalve2B, Luz M. Ballesteros-Rueda1C


1: Centro de Investigaciones en Catálisis, Escuela de Ingeniería Química,
Carrera 27 Calle 9 Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Santander,

2: Km 7 Vía Piedecuesta, Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo, Piedecuesta,
Santander, Colombia

e-mail: angelica.coconubo@gmail.com A, alexander.guzman@ecopetrol.com.co B, luzmabal@uis.edu.co C 



Catalyst for heavy oil and vacuum gas oil hydrocracking (HCK) require high pore diameter
to treat the bulky molecules present in such kind of feedstocks,  in order to allow the access of large
molecules into the active sites of the catalyst, avoiding
diffusional limitations [1,
2]. Amorphous AluminoSilicates
(ASAs) are widely used as catalyst support in the heavy oil refining
industry because of its physico-chemical properties (acidity and large pore size)
[1, 3, 4].  On the other hand, several
authors have stated that the
synthesis methods of ASAs impacts the textural properties such as surface area and pore size [4]. Particulary, in the sol-gel method, the control of the hydrolysis process and condensation is very important
to obtain the desired gel [3, 5].

In the present study, bifunctional catalysts consisting of nickel-molybdenum (NiMo) supported on amorphous
silica-alumina were prepared using two different sol-gel methods. It is
well known that the characteristics
of the obtained oxides depend on the
sol-gel parameters such as
precursor molecules, concentration,
solvent type, temperature, amount of water and pH [6, 7]. The sol-gel methods used were:
sol-gel using PolyEthylene Glycol (PEG) as an organic template [8], and sol-gel
with gel skeletal reinforcement [9]. In the first method the
amount of PEG was varied taking into
account the amount of silica precursor used which, in this study, was
TetraEthyl OrthoSilicate
(TEOS); on the other hand, in the second method
was varied the amount of TEOS used in the reinforcement
solution (RS). In addition,
in both methods the calcination were carried out
at two different values of temperature, in order to compare its effect in the textural properties of the supportsThe supports (ASAs) and the NiMo catalysts were characterized by means of N2-physisorption,
X-ray diffraction, SEM-spectroscopy, and NH3-adsorption; in order to determine their chemical and physical properties.

Amorphous silica-alumina prepared
by the first
method, showed both type of porosities:
micro and mesopores, and it
was found that surface area
and mesoporosity area increased while the amount of PEG added increased as well. On the
other hand, ASAs prepared by the
second method showed only mesoporosity,
meaning that RS helps avoiding the formation of micropores. Additionally, surface area, pore
volumen and pore size, increased while increasing the TEOS amount in the RS.  Furthermore, it was found, that
the calcination temperature affects the porosity of the material using both methods, since
the surface area decreased when the highest
calcination temperature was used likely
ocurring by sinterization of the material.

Keywords: Hydrocracking, Amorphous Aluminosilicates, Ni-Mo
Catalyst, Sol-Gel method, Polyethylene Glycol, Gel Skeletal Reinforcement, Vacuum Gas Oil.


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